Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Truth be told, there are quite a few blog posts awaiting posting. I write many posts and save them, without ever posting them. Not *that* many people read this blog, so I guess I shouldn't care *so* much, but I often wonder why I even have a blog and what direction it should take. Should it be merely about my personal life? Should I write about current events that peak my interest? Should I blog about pop culture? Music? Clothes? All of the above? Do I even *need* a direction?

Buoyed and inspired by Kath's Tribute to Oatmeal (have you ever seen anything like that?), I've decided to take a photo of my breakfast every single morning. Stay tuned!


SeangSTM said...

I read it and yes, I enjoy it.

I also have that issue - I often find my blogging severely increases when I feel like I need to fill my life with something worthwhile - oddly.

Hope you're well. :)

Anonymous said...

I love that posting on oatmeal. Ever since I did The Cleanse last year, I've been eating oatmeal for I've got some ideas for making it even tastier. you were right, it was inspiring.