Sunday, November 15, 2009

After a weekend of excess (I think I ate out for every meal with barely any time passing between each), I've decided to make this week's menu all about salads. Specifically, salads from Donna Klein's The Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen and Vegan Italiano. These two cookbooks are no How It All Vegan, a book I consider the worst of all vegan cookbooks. Its authors must invest in the vegetable oil industry they use cups of it in every recipe. No, there is not one meat substitute, not one ounce of tofu, soy milk or tempeh (barf!) to be found in Donna Klein's recipes. Tonight I'll be making Italian Bread Salad. Stay tuned for pictures!


Anonymous said...

Tempeh, barf?!?!? I LOVE tempeh. I can't believe you're dissing tempeh.

Pearl said...

So? Where are those promised pics? I have all the time in the world these days to look at pictures!
Hope you are well and not experiencing too much meat/dairy product withdrawal!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate the snow.

Anonymous said...
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