Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ever since I watched this video, I've been thinking about how my life is already an action life and how to make it more of an action life. An action life is one where all one's daily tasks require action. Here is a list of tasks I consider action tasks:

  • Laundry: I don't have a washer or dryer in my apartment and the washer and dryer in my building have been out of order for over a month now. This means I have to walk a block to the laundromat to first put my stuff in the washer, then I walk home, then I walk back and switch some of it to a dryer and carry the rest home. Then I walk back and pick up the dried stuff and walk home again. Action Laundry!
  • Commute: It takes me about 30 minutes to get to work and 30 minutes to get back home. During this 30 minutes, I walk to the metro, go underground to take one train, go down even more underground to switch train lines, climb back up above ground, then get on a bus to my job. Action Commute!
  • Grocery shopping: I don't have a car, so I walk to the shops to get my groceries and carry all the bags home, either on my bag or in my hands, or both. I also like to get certain things at certain stores, so grocery shopping involves a lot of walking. Action Groceries!
Have you heard of NEAT? Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. This is a term for movement that is not done as an intentional workout. The more you increase your NEAT, the more calories you burn. Action Life!

1 comment:

Robert said...

Burning Calories:
I did the math. An Oreo cookie has 70 Calories. If a 70 kg person eats one Oreo cookie, he/she would have to climb 28 stories (3 m per story) of a tall building to burn it off. Assuming the human body has an efficiency of 20 %.