Sunday, March 2, 2008

While Mark is on the campaign trail, I'm stuck in snowy Montreal marking primary school assignments and planning a trip to Turkey! Yes, this May I will spend 12 luxurious days and nights in Turkey with my mom and aunt! I will see and do lots of interesting things, but right now, what I'm most excited for is the Hamam, the Turkish bath experience. One of the best experiences I took away from Iceland is the pool/bathing culture.

There is just nothing like soaking in an outdoor heated (HOT!) pool full of sulphur and silica to put the mind and the muscles at ease.

According to my research, the traditional Hamam is a thing of the past, but you can still go to indoor pools and experience a hot sauna, a soak in a hot tub, an exfoliating scrub by an "attendant" and finally a massage. I know for some people this sounds like too intimate, but I love a hot soak or a steam bath and a sounds like heaven. In fact, I think I'll go take a nice hot bath right now...!

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