Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gaz Métro has recently improved their "customer environment" for me! I'm not sure yet what this means, but so far, I know that I no longer have to look up my account number every time I want to log in, I can now create a username! This is great, because it was a hassle to have to find my account number somewhere so I can see how much my bill is.

However, creating a username is as far as I can get. You see, to attach my Gaz Métro account to my new username I need my Gaz Métro account number AND the number of my most recent bill. But I can't get that number because I can't access my bills because I can't complete the registration because I don't know the number of my most recent bill because I can't access my bills and so on.


I like Bell's system more. They don't attach or include my bill in their emails every month, but they do include how much my bill is in the email, so I all I have to do is pay it.

Boy, this is a boring blog post. Wish I was in Bali like some people.

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