Tuesday, January 22, 2008

With all the fuss about the amount of plastic grocery bags floating around everywhere, I wonder what we'll use as garbage bags in the kitchen, if we don't have them. I'd have to go out and buy them!

If you read the comment already written about this post, you'll learn about the much more user-friendly recycling system in Germany. What do Germans do with kitty litter?

What is frustrating is when the sidewalk plowers drive and plow right through your recycling box and scatter everything all over the street and sidewalk. Why does everyone hate each other sometimes?

I also have this return-ticket to anywhere Iceland Air flies; any ideas about when and where?

Here is a picture of my new cat and chair:


Pearl said...

Here in Germany, plastic bags aren't really used as garbage bags. Instead, small plastic bins are used for the garbage: there's one for plastic, one for paper, and one for organic waste. You empty the content of your bins in larger garbage containers. The other waste you have, such as batteries, can be brought to your local supermarket. I find it to be an excellent system!

margaret said...

I like the chair!!

Speaking of garbage, I read recently that one can buy organic flushable baby wipes. I wouldn't mind tracking down some of those!

Robert said...

Hey!!!!! I saw the same chair in Ottawa. How did it ever get to Montréal? Can there be more than one?