Saturday, September 8, 2007

Today I took a ferry to Videy Island. What a day. This morning the weather proved very lovely but as they say here (as in almost every other country I've visited), "Just wait 5 minutes and it'll change." and change it did. It went from sunny to misty to drizzling to pouring which is what it's still doing. Buses here run only every half hour. Combine this with getting three people with varying schedules together and I didn't make it to the Videy until 16h30. The building in the picture below has a lovely restaurant where I enjoyed "Icelandic meat soup" which was made with onions, carrots and lamb - a little salty, but nice for my first Icelandic lamb.

Walking around the island was nice, but it was so chilly and wet that I didn't enjoy it much! I wasn't really dressed for the weather though. We shared the ferry with a group of school kids who were about to enjoy some kind of viking game. We ran into these three who were part of the game...
This is Marie-Michele and Elina enjoying the rain.

A rock, ha. Iceland is wet. No doubt about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a beautiful beach!